Beginner’s Path Window #40 July 2022 – Root to Crown

Beginner's Path Window #40 July 2022 - Root to Crown

Beginner’s Path July 2022 – Root to Crown

The beginners journey will help you get conscious about ONE aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. It is important to know how your chakras are working with you to create your reality. By focusing on one of the 77 windows you can start to understand how the different physical, emotional and spiritual aspects are working with you during the transitional energy here in July you will be working with the energy of Reverence Window #40

Root to Crown

(330) 861-9493
00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:34 Welcome to Beginner’s Journey to Open Window #40 (CH2)
02:48 As a multidimensional Chakra window we are working on Third Eye chakra & Heart chakra (CH3)
05:35 As we work into anchoring this month of July (CH4)
07:54 What to look for this month? (CH5)
12:07 Closing description and call to action (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro to Beginner’s Journey
The beginners journey will help you get conscious about ONE aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. It is important to know how your chakras are working with you to create your reality. By focusing on one of the 77 windows you can start to understand how the different physical, emotional and spiritual aspects are working with you during the transitional energy here in July you will be working with the energy of Reverence Window #40

CHAPTER 2 Welcome to Beginner’s Journey to Open Window #40
Window 40 is the window of Reverence. During this journey with Root to Crown exploring the multidimensional chakra system you will explore what it means to connect the head and the heart. Using the physical expression of the Third eye chakra and the Emotional expression of the Heart chakra you can walk a connected path this month.

CHAPTER 3 As a multidimensional Chakra window we are working on Third Eye chakra & Heart chakra
When you understand the power of reverence you start to acknowledge the patterns of the mind and understand that if you want to get out of these limitations you need to move into a deeper connection to compassion and your heart. This will help you get out of the mess of thoughts and follow the true guidance of the heart.

CHAPTER 4 As we work into anchoring this month of July
July is a spiritual month which means we are open to non physical energy as it enters our chakra system. During July don’t expect big physical manifestations as this is more of an August energy. This month stay connected to the shifting and get ready to make adjustments.

CHAPTER 5 What to look for this month?
Using the number 40 look for validation to come in using numerology as it shows up on your path. Also by engaging in actions like wearing the color purple or green you can align to the physical experiences that window 40 Reverence what’s to bring your way.

CHAPTER 6 Closing Description & Call to Action
Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.


Check out Window #40 Reverence

Monthly Journey – Get it now

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Root to Crown
P.O. BOX 432,
[email protected]
(330) 861-9493
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Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist

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