Binsar is Free!

After a partial victory three weeks ago when a judge told ICE to transfer Binsar to a detention center close to home, he was released in Baltimore on October 15 …
Rosa was Approved for a 60-Day Stay of Removal!

Rosa Gutierrez Lopez is temporarily free! Last Thursday ICE approved a 60-day stay of removal that allows her to move freely in Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia. Rosa entered Sanctuary …
Faith in New Jersey Won!

Faith in New Jersey, a federation of Faith in Action, is celebrating the passage of state legislation A-4743 & S-3229 that allows immigrants regardless of status, as well as survivors …
Dane Foster is Free From ICE Detention!

Faith in New Jersey is excited to announce that Dane Foster, a Jamaican immigrant who has been held in detention at the Essex County Correctional facility since December 2018, was …
Prince was Released From ICE Custody!

You may remember Prince Gbohoutou. Last year without notification to his lawyer or family, Prince was quietly moved from detention in Maryland to JFK Airport in NYC for deportation to …
Our Organizing is Making a Difference in this Indiana County

Faith in Action’s state-based federation in Indiana, Faith in Indiana just scored a major victory in the fight to keep families together. For over a year, the federation has pushed a Families First agenda, urging …